There is a lot to do when you leave school. - pack up backpack, clean work area, grab your homework, There are important things to bring when you go to the beach. - sunblock, sandcastles, waves, We do a lot of fun things at recess. - playing tag, sliding down the slide, spending time with friends, This is how you get read to wash the car. - getting the hose, grabbed the bucket with soap, rinsed the car with water, During Art class a lot happened. - teacher grabbed the paints and brushes, had a piece of blank paper, created a picture, These are things I remember about going fishing. - Dad grabbed the poles, the bait smells funny, caught a big fish, It is important to prepare when you get a new puppy. - went to get new toys, bought food, bought bowls for water and food, There were so many things to see at the zoo. - animals, cages, train rides, This is what I remember about going on a hike. - trails, water bottles, beautiful views, There are a lot of steps to making cookies. - rolled out the dough, cut out in different shapes, baked for 20 min. ,
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on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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