1) When was Shakespeare born? a) 1st January 1900 b) 23rd April 1564 c) 25th December 1564 d) 1st April 2018 2) What was Shakespeare's father's job? a) glove maker b) shoe maker c) wig maker d) trouble maker e) Mister Maker 3) Where was Shakespeare born a) Langham b) Colchester c) New York d) Stratford-upon-Avon e) London 4) How many siblings did Shakespeare have? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 5) What was the name of the famous theatre where many plays were put on? a) The Globe b) The Mercury c) The Regent d) The World e) The Place f) The Dog and Whistle 6) What were Shakespeare's twins called? a) Richard and Judy b) Ant and Dec c) Hamnet and Judith d) Punch and Judy e) Jack and Vera f) Barry and Paul 7) How many plays did Shakespeare write? a) 2 b) 5 c) 30 d) 37 e) 39 f) 1 million! 8) Which of these is not a play by Shakespeare? a) Hamlet b) Macbeth c) The Avengers d) Romeo and Juliet e) Much Ado About Nothing f) The Tempest 9) How old was Shakespeare when he died? a) 18 b) 25 c) 40 d) 52 e) 72 f) 1 million years old! 10) When did Shakespeare die? a) 23rd April b) 1st January c) 25th December d) 1st April e) Halloween f) Christmas day



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