Correct: Being on time to work, Trying our best, Getting enough sleep, Being respectful to everyone, Work as a team, Problem solving, Work on your own, Stay organized, Dress professionally, Good hygiene, Know who to talk to if you have a problem, Trying new things that relate to work and that are safe, Safety of yourself and others, Take a class or watch videos to learn a new skill, Teach your co-workers, Be a good leader , Asking for help, Staying healthy (mentally, emotionally, and physically), Incorrect: Being late to work, Not trying our best, Sleeping at work, Yelling at people who bother us, Not working with others when you are asked to, Not doing any work because it is too hard, Skipping work on purpose, Being unorganized, Wearing sweatpants every day to work, Not brushing your teeth or showering, Yell at people when you have a problem, Never try new things, Only worry about yourself being safe, Never try to learn new things, Only be silly at work, Do not follow the rules, Not asking for help, Going to work when you are very sick,
Career Counseling with Ms. Christ
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