True: Greg Hlibock was the student body president, The only Hearing Candidate was elected president and started a week long protest, The students Marched to the Mayflower Hotel to confront the board, Jane Spillman resigned as head of the board , The students had 4 demands, There were 2 Deaf Candidates , Marlee Matlin was interviewed on Nightline , I. King Jordan was the 1st Deaf President of Gallaudet , It took 124 years for Gallaudet to get a Deaf President , The majority of the protest took place over Spring Break , The board is now 51% or more Deaf, DPN is an example of Civil Disobedience , Spillman said "Deaf are not ready to function in a hearing world", I. King Jordan said "Deaf can do anything Hearing can....except hear" , False: Tim Rarus was interviewed on Nightline, The students lost the protest, 25 students were arrested during the protest , Harvey Goodstein was elected head of the board after the protest , Only 3 of the 4 demands were meet , No politicians supported the protest, The students had little media sympathy during the protest. , Students were notified in person that Zinser was elected president, Gallaudet has never had a Deaf President , The four leaders of the protest were kicked out of Gallaudet , Zinser was fired , The protest dragged on for 29 days, The U.S. VP Bush said "the problem is the hearing don't listen",
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