1) How many days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur a) 10 b) 5 c) 13 2) What does Yom Kippur mean a) Days of asking b) Days of Awe c) Days of fasting 3) How many days do we celebrate Rosh Hashana outside of Israel? a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 4) Where do you do Tashlich? a) pool b) jacuzzi c) ocean/natural waters 5) Prayer to start Yom Kippur a) Avinu malkenu b) kiddush c) Hamotzi 6) 10 days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur a) fasting b) Tshuvah c) kedusha 7) Last month of the Jewish year a) Tishrei b) Elul c) Nisan 8) month to hear shofar every day a) Elul b) Tishrei c) Tevet 9) Day people are judged for their actions in the last year a) Rosh Hashana b) Yom kippur c) Sukkot 10) Shmini Atzeret a) Beginning of Sukkot b) 8th day of Sukkot c) fasting holiday 11) Special prayer for rain is said on.... a) Shmini Atzeret b) Sukkot c) Yom Kippur 12) Simchat Torah a) Celebrating the Torah b) Reading the Torah c) Writing the Torah 13) The first month of the Jewish year a) Elul b) Tishrei c) Cheshvan 14) What does the moon like at the start of a new Jewish month? a) full moon b) tiny sliver moon c) 1/2 circle moon 15) What is a Shofar? a) a sharks' tooth b) a Ram's horn c) a Rhino horn 16) How many commandments are in the Torah? a) 300 b) 613 c) 600 17) What is the meaning of Tashclich? a) buying b) email c) Cast/send off

Tishrei holidays



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