hang up - To end a phone conversation by putting the receiver (PHR V), run out of - to not have enough time on your cell phone plan to continue a conversation (PHR V), put somebody through - to connect somebody by phone (PHR V), charge - (your cell phone). To pass electricity through a phone so that it is stored there (verb)., land line - a phone connection that uses wires carried on poles or under the ground, in contrast to a cell phone (noun), directory assistance - a telephone service you can use to find out a person's phone number (noun), busy - a phone line being used (adj.), voice mail - an electronic system that can store phone messages, so that you can listen to them later (noun), pay phone - a phone, usually in a public place, that is operated using coins or a card (noun), text message - a written message that you send using your cell phone (noun), missed call - a notice displayed on your cell to tell you that somebody called (noun), speak up - to tell somebody to speak more loudly (PHR V), be cut off - to be interrupted when talking on the phone by a break in the connection (PHR V), collect call - to make a phone call which is paid for the person who receives it (noun), prank call - when a person calls someone up to make a joke or play a trick on them (noun),

Phone language


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