1) Even though my dad grew up in America, his French accent is still very strong from his childhood in Europe. Which definition matches the sentence? a) n. the stress or force a speakern. the stress or force a speaker uses to pronounce one or more syllables of a word b) n. a mark that indicates stress on a syllable c) n. style of speech that is typical of a specific region or country 2) I felt so great when I donated my blood to the blood bank. I know that I will be able to save lives just by taking time to give my blood. Which definition matches the sentence? a) n. the rising ground that borders a body of water b) n. a place or organization in which money is saved, invested and exchanged c) n. a supply or stock for future use 3) When Laura told everyone about Juelz failing his test, she was branded a bully, What definition matches the sentence? and all of her friends stopped talking to her.   a) n. a particular kind or make of a product b) n. a mark indicating ownership burned into skin with a hot iron c) n. a mark of disgrace 4) For our Social Studies project, we had to research at least 5 different free countries and write about their specific government systems. I knew I definitely needed Chloe’s help to make a good grade. What definition matches the sentence? a) adj. not imprisoned or enslaved b) adj. having political independence c) adj. costing nothing 5) Gianni wanted everyone to understand that she did not spread the rumors about Adrian; it just was not in her makeup to do such a thing. Which definition matches the sentence? a) n. the way in which something is put together or arranged b) n. the qualities that make up a personality c) n. cosmetics applied, usually to the face 6) At her sweet sixteen, Hallie’s parents brought everyone outside to reveal the newest model of a Mercedes sports car they had bought her, and everyone sighed with amazement and envy. Which definition matches the sentence?   a) n. a small –scale representation of something b) n. a style or design of something c) n. a person or thing serving as an ideal example of something

Multiple Meaning Words



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