centimeter - 1/100th of a meter, millimeter - 10 of these are in a centimeter, metric ruler - there are 30 cm in one of these, meterstick - it has 100 cm in it, 3.8 cm - How long is this paperclip?, 5.0 cm - How many centimeters is this screw?, 150 mm - How many millimeters is this pencil?, 10 cm - How many centimeters is this cube on each side? (deci=1/10th of meter), 1,000 m on each side - How many meters are on each side of this square?, measuring tape - What is the name of this measuring tool?, 100 m - How many meters are there in a hectometer? (hecto=100), 10 dm - How many decimeters are there in a meter? (deci=1/10th or 10 cm)), 100 mm - How many millimeters are there in a decimeter? (deci=1/10th m or 10 cm)), 9 cm or 90 mm - How long is the carrot? cm and mm, 17 cm or 170 mm - How long is the water color paint kit? cm and mm, 1,000m =(1 K) - How many meters are in a Kilometer?, millimeters (mm) - Which unit would be best for measuring your finger?, a kilometer - Which unit would be best for measuring the distance from Wauconda to Chicago?, 30 cm - The length of most metric rulers, length, width, and height - What are the names of the 3 dimensions?,
Measuring Length using the Metric System
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