Gerrymandering- - Is a type of strategy that can be used as an unfair political advantage that tricks people into believing something else., Reapportionment - Is when the population of people in a state determines how much representatives can be in that state it can go up and down., Linkage institution - Is a type of society that can connect people to the government., Interest group - Is a group of people that look for the influence on public policy on common interests., Political action committee - A private organization to raise money to influence elections., Lobbyist - A person who is organizing an attempt to influence leglesatitors, Platform - A declared policy of a political party., Apportionment- - Is a process when seats in a legislative body are distributed among administrative divisions and is given to a representative., Bipartisan - when two political parties agree with one another about the same thing., Conservatism - Is a political philosophy promoting traditional social institutions of culture., Liberalism - consent of the governed and equality before the law, Centrist - Is a person who has moderate political policies., Ideology - Is a system of ideas of economic or political theory and policy, Faction - A small organized dissenting group in politics.,



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