Describe one way you see someone at home using their time wisely., Name 2 ways you can spend your time wisely at home., Name two ways you can spend your time wisely in Google Meet., Name two ways that students waste time during school hours., Name 2 ways that kids waste time at home., Give an example of something that could be a good use of time or a bad use of time depending on the situation., What is one thing you need to spend MORE time doing while in class?, What is one thing you need to spend LESS time doing while in class?, What is one thing you need to spend MORE time doing at home?, What is one thing you need to spend LESS time doing at home?, Imagine you spend all your time wisely. What would happen?, Imagine that you waste all of your time. What would happen?, Describe what it means to "use your time wisely.", Who is a character on TV or in a movie that uses their time wisely?, Does is feel good to waste your time? Why or why not?, Does it feel good to use your time wisely? Why does it feel that way?, How can you tell if something is a good use of your time?, How can you tell if something is a bad use of your time?, Why is it important to turn assignments in on time?, Why is it important to be on time for school?, How can using your time wisely at HOME make your parents proud?, What are 2 things you can do to make sure you're on time for school?, Explain how using an agenda or planner can help you use your time wisely., How much time do you spend watching TV or playing video games? Is this more time than you spend on homework?, How will using your time wisely help you achieve your goals?, What job do you want? How will you need to use time wisely in that job?, Name one reason a kid might want to try spending their time more wisely., Is doing two things at once using time wisely?.
Time Management Questions
College and Career
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