Have you made any recent changes in your life?, Do you think change is important?, Do you ever get the urge to change things in your life? Maybe your hair, your clothes, your furniture?, Do you think it is possible for a cold hearted person to change?, If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?, Have you ever decided to get a tattoo?, What was the craziest change in appearance you have ever made?, Do people's friends change them?, If you won a million dollars what things would you change about your life?, What is one thing that you think you will never change about yourself?, Have you ever had to change the way you speak, or the way you act? Why?, Do you like change?, Are you good at dealing with change?, What is the biggest change this world needs?, What happens to people who find it difficult to change?, Can a person be taught to accept and like change?, Is the world changing faster than before?, How do old and young people cope with change differently?, What has changed in your life compared to ten years ago?, Is change always good?, What will change in the future?.
Change Discussion Questions
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