Indirect Effect - the result of one cause leading to an effect that causes one or more other effects, Population - a group of the same type of organism in the same area, Resource Population - a population that is eaten by organisms from another population , Reproduction - the process of creating offspirng, Energy - the ability to make things move or change, Energy Storage Molecule - a molecule that organisms can use to release energy needed to survive, Stability - when something stays mostly the same over time, Sample - a small part that is meant to show what the whole is like, Consumer Population - a population that eats organisms of another population , Ecologist - a scientist who studies the interactions of organisms with each other and their environment , Food Web - a model that shows what eats what in an ecosystem, Competition - when two or more populations use the same resources, such as the same food source, Ecosystem - all the living and nonliving things interacting in a particular area ,

Population and Resources Vocabulary



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