COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM - Any standardized test which is needed to be considered eligible for application by a college or university., SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT TEST (SAT) - A specific standardized test widely used for college admissions in the US., ADMISSION - The processes of being admitted as a student by a university or college., GET INTO COLLEGE - To receive an offer of admission from a college saying that you can attend classes and eventually graduate., UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT - A student who is pursuing a degree at the first level of higher education at a college or university., HAZING - Any activity expected of someone joining a group that degrades, regardless of the person's willingness to participate, FRESHMAN - A student in the first year of college., SOPHOMORE - A student in the second year at college., JUNIOR - A student who is in the third year of college., SENIOR - A student who is in the last year of college., SORORITY - A women's student organization formed chiefly for social purposes. These organizations usually have names consisting of Greek letters., TUITION - The payment students pay for instruction at a certain private institution., STUDENT LOAN - An agreement by which a student at a college or university borrows money from a bank to pay for education and then pays the money back after they graduate., SCHOLARSHIP - An amount of money that is given by an organization to a student to help pay for their education., TERM - Academic division of the year, in the form of semesters or quarters., ELECTIVE - Courses that count toward your credits for graduation, but are not requirements for your particular degree of study., MAJOR - A specific subject area that students specialize in., EXCHANGE PROGRAM - A program in which students from a university study abroad at one of their institution's partner institutions., BACHELOR'S DEGREE - A degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after four years of study., PhD - The highest level degree awarded by universities, either as a Doctor of Philosophy or as an honorary degree and title.,
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