Plagiarism: I copied a sentence from a website, My friend showed me her homework so I wrote her answers on my homework, I used a photo from internet without citing, I gave my essay to two different classes because the topic was similar, I changed some words of the sentence I copied, My friend and I did homework together so we have same answers, I don't know how to cite, so I didn't, I didn't put any citations because I knew everything I wrote, I wrote a paragraph in my language and used an online translation to change it to English, I made a lot of mistakes in my writing so my brother changed most of my writing, It's OK in my country, so I took ideas from a book and wrote as my opinion, I put In-text citations, so I didn't put a work cited list., My tutor/teacher correct all mistakes before I turn in my homework, I put citations but they were wrong, My friend asked me to show him my homework, so I shared it with him, NOT Plagiarism: I didn't cite common knowledge (facts that everyone knows), I wrote my opinion about Ross School , I rewrote the sentence by changing words and sentence structure, so it looks very different, I put both In-text citation and a work cited list correctly,
IP-Plagiarism #1
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