Permanent Hair Color - Single Process hair color strong enough to cover gray., Demi-permanent Hair Color - No lift, deposit only color., Temporary Color - Color with a staining action design to last 1-2 washes and doesn't require a patch test., Gradual Color - Natural color made from vegetable and metallic dyes., Hair LIghteners - chemical compounds designed to lighten hair by dispersing, dissolving, and decolorizing pigment., The process where hair is prelightened then toned. - Double Process, Hair color products deisgned to neutralize unwanted tones. - Toner, 10 - The number of stages hair could go through during a decolorization procedure., Hair Color Consultation - The most important part of a hair color service., Nonmetallic - To avoid costly mistakes, color bowls should always be _____________., Single Process Color - The process that lightens and tones hair in a single application is called __________., New Growth - The part of the hair shaft that lies between the previously colored hair and the scalp., Highlights - A technique that involves coloring some strands of hair lighter than the natural color., Lowlights - A technique that involves coloring some strands of hair darker that the natural color., Baliage - Freeform Painting Hair., Weaving - A technique using a zigzag motion to isolate some hair for coloring., Presoftening - A process of using developer to open the cuticle before you apply color for gray or resistant hair., Abrasions - Never apply color to the scalp of a client who has signs of ________., The process of coloring all the hair the length of the strand. - Virgin Application, The process of coloring only the new growth. - Retouch Application,
Final Exam Prep Hair Color Application Game
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