hygiene - keeping yourself clean, appearance - the way something or someone looks, punctuality - being on time, arriving at the planned time, time management - process of deciding how to spend your time, manners - following a set of social rules, listening skills - paying attention to someone so you can hear what is being said, behavior - the way that someone responds or acts, task completion - when you are given a job to finish, title - the name given to something to identify or describe it, role - the part that someone has on a job or activity, job specification - a detailed description of what work needs to be done, foundation - facts that support your beliefs, competencies - abilities or skills, preparation - to be ready , outlook - the way that a person thinks or person's point of view, realistic - the doer, investigative - the thinker, artistic - the creator, social - the helper, enterprising - the presuader, conventional - the organizer, traditional - typical or normal for someone or something , nontraditional - new and different from what is usually done, barrier - something that makes it difficult for people,
PRE-ETS WorkPlace Readiness
Vocational / Technical
Special Education
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Tämä tulostaulu on tällä hetkellä yksityinen. Jos haluat tehdä siitä julkisen, valitse
Tehtävän omistaja on poistanut tämän tulostaulun käytöstä.
Tämä tulostaulu on poistettu käytöstä, koska vaihtoehdot eroavat tehtävän omistajan vaihtoehtoista.
Palauta Optiot
Yhdistä parit
on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
SIsäänkirjautuminen vaaditaan
Visuaalinen tyyli
Tilaus vaaditaan
Vaihda mallia
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Saat lisää muotoiluasetuksia pelin aikana.
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