la depresión - depression, la enfermedad - the disease; illness, la gripe - the flu, la herida - the injury, el malestar - discomfort, la obesidad - obesity, el resfriado - cold (virus), la respirarción - breathing, la tensión alta - high blood pressure, la tensión baja - low blood pressure, la tos - the cough, el virus - the virus, contagiarse - to become infected, desmayarse - to faint, empeorar - to deteriorate; to get worse, enfermarse - to get sick, estar resfriado - to have a cold, lastimarse - to get hurt, permanecer - to remain; to last, ponerse bien/mal - to get well/sick, sufrir (de) - to suffer from, tener buen/mal aspecto - to look healthy/sick, tener fiebre - to have a fever, toser - to cough, agotado - exhausted, inflamado - inflamed, mareado - dizzy,

D3L4C - Match Up



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