fine - 1. of high quality 2. a sum of money imposed as a penalty for an offense, bark - 1. the outer layer of a tree 2. the sound a dog makes, bat - 1. a flying mammal 2. to strike or hit something, match - 1. a competition or contest 2. to correspond or be identical to something, duck - 1. a type of water bird 2. to lower your head or body quickly to avoid something, band - 1. a thin strip of material worn around something to hold or fasten it 2. to come together as a group or to encircle something, buck - 1. a male deer 2. to resist or oppose something, book - 1. a written or printed work with pages bound together 2. to make a reservation for something, bear - 1. a large mammal with shaggy fur and a very short tail 2. to carry, support, or endure, beat - 1. to strike repeatedly 2. a regular pulse or rhythm,

Homonyms: Definitions



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