reform - make changes in something in order to improve it, transcendentalism - that believed an individual’s own opinion on right and wrong was important; urged individuals to find their relationship with nature, awakening - an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something, civil disobedience - refusing to obey a law, a regulation, or a power judged unjust in a peaceful manner; a form of resistance without violence, nationalism - the belief that one's nation is superior to all; having loyalty to one's own country, utopia - an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect, nature - including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, conscience - the voice in your head, and the feeling in your heart, that tells you if something is right or wrong, Henry David Thoreau - an American essayist, poet and philosopher. He advocated for civil liberties, social activism - working with other people to bring about a change in society, Ralph Waldo Emerson - a American poet, essayist, and lecturer that advocated social reforms, self-reliance - the ability to do things and make decisions by yourself, without needing other people to help you, fine arts - an art form mainly praised for it's beauty; painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and poetry, with performing arts including theatre and dance, John James Audubon - an American artist that painted American wildlife, especially birds, humanity - the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic toward others,
The Second Great Awakening & Transcendentalism - Vocabulary Game
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Reform Movements
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