1) tener ... años a) to be ____ years old b) to be scared c) to be hungry 2) tener calor a) to be careful b) to be hungry c) to be hot 3) tener frío a) to be thirsty b) to be scared c) to be cold 4) tener cuidado a) to be right b) to be careful c) to be hungry 5) tener hambre a) to be hungry b) to be _____ years old c) to be cold 6) tener sed a) to be thirsty b) to be scared c) to want to 7) tener miedo a) to be hot b) to be cold c) to be scared 8) tener prisa a) to be in a hurry b) to be scared c) to be hot 9) tener razón a) to be thirsty b) to be hungry c) to be right 10) tener sueño a) to be lucky b) to be tired c) to be wrong 11) tener suerte a) to be lucky b) to be tired c) to be ____ years old 12) no tener razón a) to be in a hurry b) to be tired c) to be wrong 13) tener que a) to have to b) to be wrong c) to want to 14) tener ganas de a) to be cold b) to want to c) to be hungry

D1 tener expressions - maze chase 1



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