the outskirts - the area around a town or city which is the furthest from the centre, a village - a very small town located in a country area, a town - a place where people live and work, which is larger than a village, but smaller than a city, a roof - the structure that covers the whole house, a ceiling - the top inside surface of a room, a balcony - a platform that is built on the upstairs outside wall of a building, with a wall or rail around it, a terrace - a flat, hard area, especially outside a house, where you can sit, eat, and enjoy the sun, a chimney - a structure through which smoke is carried up, away from a fire, etc. and through the roof of a building, a fireplace - an open space for a fire in the wall of a room, the ground floor - the floor of a building that is at the same level as the ground outside, the first floor - the level of a building above the ground level (NB in American English, the first floor = the ground floor) , wooden - made of wood, the suburbs - a residential area outside the centre of a large city, an attic - a space or room inside the roof of a building., a path - a way in the yard, made by the owners to walk, the basement - the floor of a building which is partly or entirely below ground level., lawn - an area of short grass in the garden of a house,
EF intermediate, 7B buildings
English file 4th edition
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