bit - a binary digit, the smallest increment of data on a computer., binary system - a numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit -- 0 or 1, microchip - a set of electronic circuits on a small flat piece of silicon., motherboard - the main printed circuit board within a computer,, Bill Gates - United States computer entrepreneur whose software company made him the youngest multi-billionaire in the history of the United States, input - information enters the system , story - an informal, natural language description of features of a software system., apps - a software program that's designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program., CPU - The component of a computer system that controls the interpretation and execution of instructions, Hardware - the external and internal devices and equipment that enable you to perform major functions such as input, output, storage, communication, processing, and more, storage - a mechanism that enables a computer to retain data, either temporarily or permanently, computer - a programmable electronic device designed to accept data, A.I - Artificial intelligence, Coding - how we communicate with computers, power supply - provides components with electric power,
how computers work
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