revolution - the act of removing a government and replacing it with a different one, convinced - confident about a thought or belief, perspectives - views; the way something is seen or thought of, Massacre - a violent killing of many people, firsthand - from the original source; direct, liberty - freedom, secondhand - not from the original source; indirect, independence - freedom from being controlled; self sufficiency , propoganda - information used to try and persuade someone to be for or against an idea or person, rebellion - uprising, diversity - variety, defiance - disobedience; going against , Patriots - the colonists who wanted to be separate from England, Loyalists - the colonists who were loyal to England, theme - the (central) message an author or artist is telling or showing, patriotism - having pride in one's country, settlement - place where a group of people move to, frontier - frontline of new opportunity, captives - people being held as prisoners, defend - to stand up for something, American Spirit - the courage and determination to fight for one's beliefs; great heart, intelligence - information; the act of gathering information, communication - how information is transferred, resilience - being able to recover, composition - the arrangement of elements in a work of art,
Module 3: The Redcoats are Coming! Vocabulary
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