What does she look like? - She has long brown hair and brown eyes., What does she look like? - She has short brown hair and brown eyes., What does he look like? - He has short brown hair and green eyes., What does she look like? - She has long brown hair and blue eyes., What does he look like? - He has short brown hair and brown eyes., What does she look like? - She has long red hair and blue eyes., What does he look like? - He has short black hair and green eyes., What does she look like? - She has short brown hair and brown eyes., What does he look like? - He has short black hair and green eyes., What does she look like? - She has shot blue hair and blue eyes., What does he look like? - He has short purple hair and brown eyes., What does she look like? - She has long red hair and green eyes., What does he look like? - He has short brown hair and brown eyes., What does she look like? - She has long pink hair and blue eyes., What does he look like? - He has short red hair and brown eyes.,

What do they look like?


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