1) Elevation (height) above sea level. a) Altitude b) Density c) Air Pressure d) Atmosphere 2) Measures the force of air pressing down on objects a) Altitude b) Density c) Air Pressure d) Atmosphere 3) A mixture of gases that surround a planet or moon a) Altitude b) Density c) Air Pressure d) Atmosphere 4) As altitude increases, what happens to density? a) Density increases b) Density decreases 5) As altitude increases, what happens to air pressure? a) Air pressure increases b) Air pressure decreases 6) Which picture demonstrates molecules in the troposphere? a) b) 7) Which picture demonstrates molecules in the exosphere? a) b) 8) The layers of the atmosphere are classified according to changes in... a) Temperature, air pressure, and density b) Air pressure only c) Temperature only d) Altitude only 9) What happens to air pressure as you climb a high mountain? a) It increases b) It decreases 10) In which two layers to airplanes fly? a) Troposphere and mesosphere b) Troposphere and stratosphere c) Stratosphere and mesosphere d) Thermosphere and stratosphere 11) Why don't we get crushed by the pressure around us? a) The force of the air within us pushes back and equalizes the pressure. b) Air is not heavy. c) Because of air's density. 12) Why is the troposphere the densest layer? a) Air pollution b) Gravity c) Both air pollution and gravity d) Neither air pollution nor gravity 13) Why do your ears pop when you fly in a plane? a) Your ears are equalizing the pressure inside and outside your body b) Your ears don't like going up and down in altitude c) Your ears need to pop so you can swallow d) Your ears are helping to make the pressure inside and outside your body unequal. 14) What does the ozone layer do? a) Keeps earth warm b) Burns meteors  c) Creates the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis d) Protects against the sun's UV radiation

Atmosphere Composition


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