1) Confident and Powerful a) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof b) stomp, strut, leap, thrust, charge, dominate, conquer c) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run d) embrace, hold, caress, kiss, cherish, nurture, protect 2) Flowing and Graceful a) glide, twirl, sway, float, spin, swirl, flutter b) peek, poke, prod, investigate, explore, question, wonder c) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither d) tremble, quiver, flutter, sway, crumble, collapse, break 3) Energetic and Dynamic a) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither b) charge, leap, confront, challenge, battle, triumph, conquer c) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run d) stomp, strut, leap, thrust, charge, dominate, conquer 4) Delicate and Fragile a) creep, slink, prowl, sneak, whisper, hint, suggest b) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither c) tremble, quiver, flutter, sway, crumble, collapse, break d) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof 5) Playful and Mischievous a) glide, twirl, sway, float, spin, swirl, flutter b) breathe, stretch, sway, meditate, balance, soothe, relax c) skip, hop, wink, tease, joke, prank, giggle d) embrace, hold, caress, kiss, cherish, nurture, protect 6) Sad and Melancholy a) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither b) breathe, stretch, sway, meditate, balance, soothe, relax c) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run d) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof 7) Angry and Frustrated a) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run b) peek, poke, prod, investigate, explore, question, wonder c) stomp, glare, scowl, fume, lash, snap, pound d) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof 8) Mysterious and Intriguing a) breathe, stretch, sway, meditate, balance, soothe, relax b) reach, aspire, dream, soar, fly, shine, glow c) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither d) creep, slink, prowl, sneak, whisper, hint, suggest 9) Calm and Serene a) breathe, stretch, sway, meditate, balance, soothe, relax b) skip, hop, wink, tease, joke, prank, giggle c) charge, leap, confront, challenge, battle, triumph, conquer d) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof 10) Silly and Goofy a) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof b) stomp, glare, scowl, fume, lash, snap, pound c) fidget, pace, bite, tremble, quiver, shake, sweat d) charge, leap, confront, challenge, battle, triumph, conquer 11) Curious and Inquisitive a) peek, poke, prod, investigate, explore, question, wonder b) slump, sigh, weep, mourn, lament, grieve, wither c) glide, twirl, sway, float, spin, swirl, flutter d) charge, leap, confront, challenge, battle, triumph, conquer 12) Brave and Fearless a) reach, aspire, dream, soar, fly, shine, glow b) stomp, glare, scowl, fume, lash, snap, pound c) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run d) charge, leap, confront, challenge, battle, triumph, conquer 13) Hopeful and Optimistic a) bounce, jump, spin, shake, explode, race, run b) creep, slink, prowl, sneak, whisper, hint, suggest c) reach, aspire, dream, soar, fly, shine, glow d) fidget, pace, bite, tremble, quiver, shake, sweat 14) Nervous and Anxious a) peek, poke, prod, investigate, explore, question, wonder b) fidget, pace, bite, tremble, quiver, shake, sweat c) glide, twirl, sway, float, spin, swirl, flutter d) reach, aspire, dream, soar, fly, shine, glow 15) Loving and Tender a) embrace, hold, caress, kiss, cherish, nurture, protect b) wiggle, jiggle, twist, spin, dance, shimmy, goof c) tremble, quiver, flutter, sway, crumble, collapse, break d) fidget, pace, bite, tremble, quiver, shake, sweat
Movement Sentences_4
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Poetry In Motion
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