Where is the best place to eat pizza in this city?, How many glasses of water do you drink per day?, When was the last time you shopped? Where did you shop?, A young man kicked the vending machine. Why do you think he kicked it?, When you traveled to another city or country, where did you stay?, Did you check your door was locked last night? What else did you check before going to sleep?, Can you remember the last song you listened to?, Can you remember borrowing something? What did you borrow? Why did you borrow it?, Have you tried baking? What did you bake?, Have you ever flown on an airplane? Where did you fly to?, Have you ever ridden a horse? Where and when did you ride it?, Who is the person you most recently met for the first time?, Have you lost something valuable? What did you lose? Did you find it?, What were you studying when you last felt confused?, Think about the last dream that you remember. What were you dreaming about?, When you started studying English, what were you hoping to do with your language skills?, Think of a member of your family. Who are you thinking about? What are they doing at the moment?, What is the best movie you have ever seen?, What is the strangest food you have eaten?, Which movie have you been wanting to watch for a while?, Where have you been considering going on your next holiday?, What hasn’t been smelling good to you recently?, How much is a can of cola going to cost in 2030?, What will you do with your English skills in the future?.
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