Good Social Skills: Saying hi to someone new, Look at the person talking, Sharing your toys, Taking turns, Compromising, Listening to the person talking, Saying "Good Job" when your friend wins, Being okay with losing the game, Inviting someone new to play, Telling someone how you feel in a calm voice, Waiting your turn when it's someone else's, Giving a friend a compliment, Hold the door open for someone with their hands full, Helping someone carry something, Talk about what other people like as well, Give a friend a hug when they're sad, Ask a friend if they need a hug, Working together, Helping someone feel better, Sharing candy, Bad Social Skills: Yelling at a friend, Calling someone a mean name, Taking something that isn't yours, Not taking turns, Calling someone a loser because you won, Bragging to everyone that you won the game, Refusing to work together, Making others only play your game, Cutting in line, Saying you don't like someones shirt, Tripping someone on purpose, Pushing someone in your way, Screaming at someone to stop, Punching another person, Not sharing after you've had your turn, Telling someone to shut up , Leaving another friend out of the game on purpose, Not letting your friend play with anyone else, Standing too close to someone talking to you , Not looking at the person talking to you,
Social Skills
Social studies
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