True: It's okay for my best friend to play with other kids, If I want to play something different I can ask or compromise, I should wait until my friend is done speaking before I speak, I can ask someone to be my friend, I should take turns with others when playing, If someone is bothering me, I can ask them to stop without yelling, If i need space, I can ask for it without pushing, I should make sure I ask other people about what they like too, If one of my friend asks to have a turn, I should be okay with giving them a turn., It's nice to tell my friends "Good job!" when they win a game, False: My best friend is not allowed to have other friends, Everyone should only play my game the way I want, It's okay for me to interrupt my friends when they talk to me, I can make someone be my friend without asking, I should get mad when it's not my turn in a game, I should tell other kids to shut up when they're being too loud, I can push my friends out of my way, It's okay to not talk about what other people like, as long as we talk about what I like only, I should start crying when I lose a game to my friends, I should brag to everyone when I win and they lose,
True or False: Being a Good Friend
Social studies
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