acute - referring to a difficult or severe condition with sudden onset, allergen - a substance that causes an allergic reaction, allergy - response by the body to a foreign substance or an allergen, anaphylaxis - extreme hypersensitivity reaction to an antigen that can lead to life-threatening response, angina - chest pain caused by inadequate oxygen to the heart, antibodies - protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of a foreign substance, antigen - a substance introduced into the body to stimulate the production of an antibody, aspiration - the act of inhaling or ingesting, such as a foreign object, asthma - a respiratory disease often associated with allergies and characterized by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathing, chest constriction, and coughing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation - (CPR) a plan of action for restoring consciousness or life, convulsion - medical condition in which involuntary contraction of muscles take place; common with seizure disorders, epilepsy - neurologic disorder with sudden recurring seizures of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction, erythema - redness of the skin, often caused by injury or irritation, gait - a particular way of walking, or ambulating, hypersensitivity - state of being excessively sensitive to a substance, often with allergic reactions, hyperventilation - abnormally fast or deep breathing, hypotension - an abnormal low blood pressure reading, ventricular fibrillation - serious irregular cardiac rhythm that prevents the heart from pumping blood, syncope - loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain, also referred to as fainting , myocardial infarction - damage to the muscular tissue of the heart commonly caused by obstructed circulation; also referred to as a heart attack,
Chapter 31: Assisting in a Medical Emergency Vocab
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