atomic number - The periodic table is organized in order of increasing ____ _____., Antoine Lavoisier - The first chemistry textbook was created by ______ ______, Triads - John Dobereiner arranged elements in groups of three called _____., Law of Octaves - John Newlands arranged elements in groups of eight called the ___ __ ______., Mendeleev - Father of the periodic table., Henry Moseley - First to organize the perioidic table by increasing atomic number, groups - Columns on the periodic table are called , periods - Rows on the periodic table are called , metals - Large group of elements on the periodic table that have luster, are malleable & ductile, conduct electricity, and are mostly solid., nonmetals - Large group of elements on the periodic table that are dull, are brittle, are insulators, and are mostly liquid or gas., metalloids - Large group of elements that sit on the "stair steps" that share properties with metals and nonmetals (starts with m), valence electrons - groups numbers 1, 2, and 13-18 tell us the number of ______ ______, energy levels - Period numbers tell us the number of E______ L________, Alkali Metals - Elements in the 1st group are called _____ _______, Alkaline Earth - Elements in the 2nd group are called _____ ______ metals., Halogens - Group 17 elements are called ______., Noble Gases - Group 18 elements are called _____ _______., Electron Cloud - Currently accepted model of the atom, E_____ C_____., Principal - Quantum number that identifies the energy level and size of the electron., Angular Momentum - Quantum number that identifies the shape of orbitals., Aufbau - ______ Principle: The rule for orbital notation that says lowest energy orbitals fill first, Pauli Exclusion - ____ _____ Principle: The rule for orbital that says only 2 electrons can fill a subshell and the MUST be OPPOSITE spin, Hund's - _____ Rule: The rule for orbital notation that says one electron in each subshell before pairing electrons,
Unit 3 Periodic Table and Electron Configuration
Periodic Table
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