Hello everyone, My name is Anh Duong. I'm 8 years old. I'm in class 2. Today I'm going to talk about my favorite food, sushi. Sushi is a Japanish food made with rice, fish and vegetables. I like eating sushi because it tastes good and healthy. Sushi is a great choice for a meal or snake. I hope you like eating sushi as much as I do. Thank you for listening., Hello everyone, My name is Anh Duong. I'm 8 years old. I'm in class 2. Today I'm going to talk about my favorite food, sushi. Sushi is a Japanish food made with rice, fish and vegetables. I like eating sushi because it tastes good and healthy. Sushi is a great choice for a meal or snake. I hope you like eating sushi as much as I do. Thank you for listening., Hello everyone, My name is Anh Duong. I'm 8 years old. I'm in class 2. Today I'm going to talk about my favorite food, sushi. Sushi is a Japanish food made with rice, fish and vegetables. I like eating sushi because it tastes good and healthy. Sushi is a great choice for a meal or snake. I hope you like eating sushi as much as I do. Thank you for listening..
anh duong
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