Statistics - techniques for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data, Sample - set of individuals from a population, Population - set of all individuals of interest in a particular study, Data - any form of information, Data Set - collection of measurements or observations, Variable - characteristic that changes or has different values for different individuals, Measurement - putting events into categories, or using numbers to indicate the SIZE of the event, Raw Data - data in its original form, Inference - the process of estimating an unknown population value, Discrete - number that take on distinct values with gaps in between, Continuous - numbers that can have an infinite number of values, Ordinal - obvious order to the categories, Nominal - no obvious order to the categories, Sampling Error - every time we pull a sample, we get different results, Lurking (Confounding) Variable - has an effect on the relationship between your variables being tested, Simple Random Sample - each member has an equal chance of being selected, Stratified Random Sample - dividing into clusters then taking a sample from each cluster, Convenience Sample - take a sample from what's available, Instrument Bias - measure responses inaccurately, Questionnaire/Interview Bias - question alters responses, Selection Bias - some individuals are more likely to be picked, Under- or Over- Representation - selecting at a bad time or place, Nonresponse Bias - not everyone completes the survey, Voluntary Response Bias - self-selected volunteers - usually with a strong opinion,
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