dentist - A kind of doctor who treats teeth , lion - A kind of animal which is called “King of Jungle”, menu - It`s like a card which describes meals in a restaurant, camera - Something which is used to make photos, alphabet - It`s like a list which contains all the letters of some language, gloves - Pieces of clothes which people wear on their hands, airport - Somewhere where people can start and finish a trip by a plane, guide - Someone who commits guided tours , port - Somewhere where there are a lot of ships, birthday - A day in which a person was born , cinema - A public place where people can see a film, passport - An official document which tells about a person (name, age, country etc.), goal - A result which a person wants to have, kitchen - A room where food is cooked, presenter - Someone who runs a TV show, king - Someone who rules a kingdom, water - Liquid which people have to drink every day, trolley - Something which is used to carry your products in supermarket, glasses - Something that people wear on their eyes, contestant - Someone that is a participant of some game, key - Something that is used to lock and unlock something, pilot - A person that flies a plane , school - A place where children study, watch - Something that tells you time (is worn on a hand), clock - A thing that tells you time (is place on the wall), belt - A thing that people wear on waist. Also, a thing that is used in supermarket to carry your products to a cashier, sugar - A type of food that is white and very sweet , bottle - A kind of plastic container that is used to carry liquids, nose - A part of body that helps us to smell , expensive - The opposite to "cheap",
Crossword (which, where, who)
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