Correct: Greet your Library staff and show them your pass if you aren't with your class., You have 2 weeks to return books., Return books on the right side of the circ desk., You are not allowed behind the circulation desk., Mrs. Pickett is your Librarian., We use whisper voices in the library., You get to keep books for 2 weeks at a time., You form a line to check out.a book, No pushing, no running in the library., Ask permission to use the computers., Ask permission before printing. , 2 books is the max you can check out, You should NOT peel the numbers off the tables., Always ask before leaving the library., I am responsible for the books that I check out. , I should come in quietly and go to my assigned seat and wait for instructions., Incorrect: Use screaming voices., Ignore your Library staff., I can place returned books on the shelves., I can be behind the circulation desk., I can push my peers., I can run in the library., I can return books whenever., I don't need to form a line to check out books., I can destroy the books., I can print whatever I want, I can check out 10 books at a time, I can run straight to the restroom, I can sit wherever I want in the library., I can have food and drink in the library.,
Pickett Library Orientation Questions
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