1. They had an ____ over which restaurant to go to for dinner. 2. He will ____ his son to go camping with his friends. 3. I can't give you ____ to leave early today. 4. The main ____ between cats and dogs is that cats are more independent. 5. Can you give me an ____ on how to use this rule? 6. She has ____ in her ability to speak English fluently. 7. He feels ____ about his tomorrow football match. 8. When I was an ____, I enjoyed playing video games with my friends. 9. ____ is a time of changes for teenagers. 10. His face turned red with ____ when he realized he was wearing different socks. 11. We need to ____ this math problem before the class ends. 12. The ____ to pollution is to reduce the amount of plastic we produce. 13. Watching movies is one of my favorite sources of ____. 14. Regular exercise can ____ your physical health. 15. The ____ of his marks was due to his hard work. 16. She moved out of her parents' house to get ____. 17. The ____ between smoking and lung cancer is well documented. 18. ____ based on skin color or ethnicity is rude. 19. The two neighbours ____ about parking spots in front of their houses. 20. She felt ____ when her mom showed her baby pictures to her boyfriend's parents.

Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence


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