job - Task performed by a worker, usually to earn money, tariff - Tax placed on imported goods or services from other countries., demographics - Characteristics of a specific group of people, such as age, gender, and income., career ladder - Sequence of work in a career field, from entry to advanced levels., good - Physical, or tangible, item that can be touched and used., service - Intangible action or task that is performed, usually for a fee., need - Something a person must have in order to live., global economy - Financial interconnection among the countries of the world., career - Series of related jobs in the same profession., want - Something a person would like to have but does not need to survive., identity - All the traits that distinguish someone as an individual., income - Money a person receives for doing a job or from a return on an investment., inclusion - Practice of recognizing, accepting, valuing, and respecting diversity., flextime - Work schedule that permits flexibility in work hours., work - Putting forth an effort to produce or accomplish something.,
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Review
7th Grade
8th Grade
Career and College Exporation
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