journey - the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle, sacrifice - the act of giving up something that is valuable to you in order to help someone else, reef - a line of rocks or sand just above or just below the surface of the sea, often dangerous to ships, dart - a small, thin object with a sharp point that is thrown by hand in a game, shot from a gun, or blown from a tube when used as a weapon, knot - a join made by tying together the ends of a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth, etc., silk - a delicate, soft type of cloth made from a thread produced by silkworms, or the thread itself, mortal - an ordinary person, rather than a god or a special, important, or powerful person, drum - a musical instrument, especially one made from a skin stretched over the end of a hollow tube or bowl, played by hitting with the hand or a stick, curse - magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone, armpit - the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body, ancestors - people related to you who lived a long time ago, bait - a small amount of food used to attract and catch a fish or animal, canoe - a small, light, narrow boat, pointed at both ends and moved using a paddle (= a short pole with a flat blade), treasure - great wealth, esp. in the form of a store of gold, silver, precious stones, or money,
Moana course
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