pinna/auricle - the visible part of the ear; function is to funnel sound further into the ear., tympanic membrane/eardrum - a tight membrane that vibrates when sound waves hit it, ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) - three bones in middle ear; pick up vibrations from eardrum, pharyngotympanic /auditory tube/Eustachian tube - drains fluid from the ear; where 'tubes' go in children; equalizes pressure in middle ear., external acoustic meatus/auditory canal - channels soundwaves toward the tympanic membrane/eardrum, cerumen - yellow, waxy substance produced by ceruminous glands to trap foreign substances and repel insects., static equilibrium - the maintenance of proper head position in response to linear movement such as walking or when the body is at rest., dynamic equilibrium - the maintenance of proper head position in response to rotational movement such as turning or when the body is moving, semicircular canals - part of inner ear responsible for dynamic equilibrium, vestibule - part of inner ear responsible for static equilibrium, cochlea - part of the inner ear responsible for conduction of sound; allows us to hear high and low pitch sounds or variations in tones., vestibular nerve - nerve that sends information about your balance and head position from your inner ear to the cerebellum of the brain., cochlear nerve - nerve that transfers auditory information auditory cortex on the temporal lobe., deafness - any degree of hearing loss, Sensorineural deafness - type of hearing loss that results from damage to the inner ear, that affects sound transmission to the cochlear nerve that transmits the impulse to the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe., Conduction deafness - type of hearing loss that results when the transmission of sound vibrations through the external and middle ears is hindered; can be caused by earwax, ruptured eardrum, fused ossicles or an ear infection., Tinnitus - temporary ringing in the ears., Ménière’s syndrome - type of hearing loss that results from damage to the inner ear; causes progressive deafness and perhaps vertigo., Otitis media - type of hearing loss caused by an infection in the middle ear; usually caused by a cold,
Ear physiology
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