analogy - Comparison of two subjects with some shared properties, analogical - Christian approach to understanding God, equivocal - This type of speech uses the same term in different ways, univocal - This approach to God attempts to resolve the mystery of God, primary - According to St Thomas Aquinas, God is always the ______________ cause of all that exists, secondary - God saw it fit to grant all created beings the power to be real _________________ causes., mental - A unicorn is an example of ___________ being., nothing - ex nihilo = from ____________, real - Someone's pet is an example of ___________ being, time - cum tempore = with ____________, freedom - cum libertate = with _______________, trinity - ex Trinitatae = from the _______________, author - In the playwright analogy, who is the primary cause?, existence - the most fundamental property of every being, differences - When we use analogies to understand God, it is important to also identify the __________________, love - This is the primary reason for all God creates, realms - God's solution to the first cosmic problem, rulers - God's solution to the second cosmic problem, void - Formlessness and ____________ are the two cosmic problems identified in Genesis 1, second - The sea and sky were created on this day., truth - The creation myth in Genesis is not necessarily a true story but rather a ________ story., nature - God's sign language to us, past - God's work of creating is not merely a ______________ fact, sixth - Humans were created on this day according to Genesis 1, speaking - God creates by doing this in the First Creation account,
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