1. Read more ____ TV can cause ____ in depression, but regular reading can improve mental health. One study showed that reading for just six minutes a day is enough to reduce stress levels by 60%. So put down the remote and pick up a book, magazine or newspaper. 2. Limit your coffee ____ Coffee is great for that quick pick-me-up, but it can also lead to an ____. When you're feeling tired, choose a glass of water instead - dehydration can make you feel sleepy too. 3. Get outside Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, lower ____ and improve mood. If you can't get out during the day, try to sit near a window or take a walk on your lunch break. 4. Eat dark chocolate If you ____ sweet, reach for a small piece of dark chocolate. Not only does it satisfy your sugar cravings, it also contains antioxidants and can improve heart health. 5. Laugh more Laughter really is the best medicine. It ____ endorphins, which are natural 'feel-good' chemicals, and can even help to relieve pain. So watch a funny movie, read a joke, or spend time with friends who make you laugh. 6. Drink green tea Green tea is ____ full of antioxidants and has been shown to have ____. It's also a great alternative to coffee if you want a ____ without the caffeine high. 7. Listen to music Music can be incredibly ____, so create a playlist of your favourite songs to listen to when you're feeling down. Certain types of music, such as classical or jazz, have been shown to alter brainwave patterns and ____.

top tips to boost your wellbeing


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