Have you ever watched a film with special effects that made you really amazed?, Have you seen a movie with an excellent plot recently? , What actors or actresses do you really like?, What talent shows have you watched?, Which movie have you seen that is based on a book?, Have you watched a film set in a different time or place from where we live?, Can you describe the main character in your favorite movie?, Have you ever watched a soap opera or a sitcom?, What type of movie do you prefer - comedy, action, or drama?, What film have you recently watched that made you laugh a lot?, Have you ever analyzed a script?, What kind of movies do you hate or can't stand watching?, Have you ever seen a movie where the story takes place in space or a different world?, Can you name a movie directed by your favorite film director?, What should a good film include?, What do you think about game shows, chat shows?, Are you watching any news bulletins?,




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