aquatic - relating to water, ocean - A large body of salt water, pond - a small body of water, lake - a large body of water surrounded by land (deeper than a pond), estuary - An area where fresh water from streams and rivers spill into the ocean., salt water marsh - A coastal wetland that contains grassy areas that gets flooded by the tides we have this on our coast of NC, rain forest biome - Warm temp. all year; very wet and humid; greatest amount of species in any biome., deciduous forest (temperate) - A biome with four seasons, plants shed leaves in the fall and grow new ones in the spring., Coniferous Forest (Taiga) - A cold forest biome; evergreens flourish but too cold for diverse plant-life, desert - An extremely dry area with little water and few plants, Tundra - a vast treeless plain in the arctic regions between the ice cap and the tree line, Grassland/Savanna - A biome found in the dry temperate interiors of continents. This biome is characterized by rich soil, moderate rainfall, a hot, dry climate, thick grasses, and herds of grazing animals., terrestrial - relating to the land, Abiotic - The nonliving parts of an ecosystem., Biotic - The living parts in the environment., Biome - A specific environment that is home to living things., Ecosystem - A group of living things and their nonliving environment., habitat - where an organism lives, environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates., Organism - Any living thing,
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