Algorithm - a set of step by step instructions used to complete a task., debug - A bug is a mistake in a program's code; Debug means to fix the mistake., code - a special system of letters, numbers, symbols that tells a computer what to do. , computer - a device that stores & processes data using programs written in code., conditional - code written in a format that makes something happen only if something else happens first. It tells a computer how to decide what to do next., data - pieces of information that can be stored, organized, and processed by a computer, hardware - parts of a computer you can see & touch, loop - part of a program that repeats itself, program - the code that tells the computer what to do; also called software, programmer - a person who plans, writes & tests the codes used by computers. , software - the code that tells the computer what do do; also called a program, variable - data that changes based on input,

Coding Vocabulary


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