There are ____ apples in this basket than in the other one. I need to drink ____ water to stay hydrated. She has ____ books on her shelf than her brother does. In the city, there is ____ traffic during the night. This year, we had ____ rain than last year. He wants to spend ____ time on his phone and more time reading. There are ____ people at the park today than yesterday. To be healthier, I should eat ____ sugar. There is ____ furniture in this room, making it look spacious. To improve my skills, I need to practice ____. She feels ____ stressed now that her exams are over. This book has ____ pages than the one I read last week. There are ____ chairs in this room than in the meeting room. To save money, I am trying to use ____ electricity. During the holiday season, the store hires ____ employees. I have ____ free time now than I did last year. In winter, we usually see ____ tourists in town.

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