conductor - a substance or object that allows energy to flow through it easily, dissolving - the process by which substances break down into small pieces and spread evenly throughout a liquid (water), electrical energy - energy that is absorbed or delivered by an electric circuit, gas - a state of matter in which the substance expands to take both the shape and volume of its container, insulator - a substance or object that does not allow energy to flow through it easily, liquid - take the shape of their container, filling the bottom of the container first; has the ability to flow, magnetism - a force of attraction that causes a magnetic material to move, mass - the amount of matter in something, matter - anything that has mass and takes up space, melting point - the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid by the addition of heat;, metric system - the decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, volume (capacity), and weight or mass, mixture - a combination of two or more substances that can be easily separated in some physical way, physical properties - properties of matter that can be observed, measured, or changed without changing the matter itself, relative density - floating or sinking when compared to water, solid - definite shape and size, solubility - the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance, such as sugar dissolving in water, solution - a type of mixture in which the particles of one or more substances are dissolved (uniformly dispersed throughout) in another substance, states of matter - the forms matter can take, such as solid, liquid, and gas; sometimes called phases of matter, thermal energy - energy related to the temperature of an object or a substance, freezing point - the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid by the loss of heat,
5th Grade Science - Matter
5th Grade
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