1) I don't think she left him just because he forgot their anniversary. a) No, but I think it might have been the final straw. b) Yeah, he seems to have itchy feet again. c) Yes, it's a slippery slope. d) No, it's just wishful thinking. 2) Miguel got back from traveling around Asia two months ago, and I think he's already thinking about another trip. a) No, but I think it might have been the final straw. b) Yeah, he seems to have itchy feet again. c) Yes, it's a slippery slope. d) No, I think it's a lost cause. 3) I avoid using my credit card when I'm shopping for clothes--it's difficult to stop once I've started. a) To be honest, not many people can. It really is a gray area. b) Yes, it's a slippery slope. c) Yes, it sound like you got a raw deal then. d) No, but I think it might have been the final straw. 4) I noticed you changed the subject when David started talking to Malaika about house prices. a) Yes, it sounds like you got a raw deal then. b) No, it's just wishful thinking. c) Yeah, he seems to have itchy feet. d) Yes, it's a sore spot for her right now. 5) So you don't think it's worth me spending any more money trying to get this car back on the road? a) No, I think it's a lost cause. b) No, it's just wishful thinking. c) Yes, it sounds like you got a raw deal then. d) To be honest, not many people can. It really is a gray area. 6) It's not fair! My sister got to got to New York City for her birthday, and all I got was a dinner and movie. a) No, she didn't give it a second thought. b) Yes, it's a sore spot for her right now. c) Yes, it sounds like you got a raw deal then. d) No, I think it's a lost cause. 7) Do you think Joseph really has a chance of getting into Oxford University? a) No, it's just wishful thinking. b) To be honest, not many people can. It really is a gray area. c) Yeah, he seems to have itchy feet again. d) No, but I think it might have been the final straw. 8) I can never understand the rules about which future tense to use. a) No, I think it's a lost cause. b) Yes, it's a slippery slope. c) To be honest, not many people can. It really is a gray area. d) No, it's just wishful thinking.
Choose correct idiomatic responses for each statement.
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