Vincent van Gogh - Dutch Post- Impressionist - - Potato Eaters from Cottage series, Starry night, Irises, Selfie. Struggled with mental illness, cut off part of his ear, died by suicide at age 37, Claude Monet - impressionist - Most of his work was Landscape- Water Lilies ( about 250 water lilies paintings) inspiration was his waterlily pond in his garden in Giverny. Key figure in impressionist movement. Paintings: Sunrise, Edgar Degas - impressionist - Bronze sculpture - Little Dancer Age Fourteen, Paintings - Dancers at the Bar, Three Dancers in Yellow Skirts, Blue Dancers, The Milliners, Paul Cezanne - post impressionist - Formed a bridge between impressionism and early Cubism. Paintings :The Basket of Apples (a still life), The Card Players, The Boy in the Red Vest.  , Edouard Manet - Bridge between Realism and Impressionism.Luncheon on the Grass, Olympia, 1863, Bullfight, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere , John Singer Sargent - Leading portraits painters of the Edwardian Era. Portrait of Madame X, , Pablo Picasso - Had a Blue period, Furthered Cubism. Famous work Guernica -depicted German bombing of Guernica during Spanish Civil War, Henri Matisse - French artist leader of the short lived Fauvism movement. Used pointillism., Mary Cassatt - American Painter -Theme Mother and Child., Pierre-Auguste Renior - Dominant theme paintings of people protraying a sense of beauty, wealth and gaity. Paintings - Girl with a Watering Can, Two Sisters, Luncheon of the Boating Party, , Salvador Dali - Surrealist - Painting - The Persistence of Memory is the melting clock painting, Sandro Botticelli - Paintings - The Birth of Venus" Nude of Venus on a scallop shell.,



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