I am happy in the morning., Yes, I am., I am happy in the morning., Yes, I am., I am happy in the morning., I am happy in the morning., I am happy in the morning., Yes, I am., I am hungry at noon., Yes, I am., I am hungry at noon., Yes, I am., I am hungry at noon., I am hungry at noon., I am hungry at noon., Yes, I am., I am tired in the evening., Yes, I am., I am tired in the evening., Yes, I am., I am tired in the evening., I am tired in the evening., I am tired in the evening., Yes, I am., I am scared in the dark., Yes, I am., I am scared in the dark., Yes, I am., I am scared in the dark., I am scared in the dark., I am scared in the dark., Yes, I am..

I am happy. English with Smiling Sam 2


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