Medium - How the message is conveyed; the actions or text (words written or spoken) of the message, Sender - Transmits a message by selecting the words or actions to convey meaning to the receiver and solicits feedback from the receiver to make sure the message was understood correctly, Message - The text or information of the communication; can be verbal or nonverbal, even in a non-visual environment, Receiver - Translates the sender’s message by giving meaning to the actions or text of the sender, Feedback - The receiver’s understanding of the message or lack of understanding is transmitted back to the sender, Diction - An individual speaker’s accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality, which is usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability, Enunciation - Forming clear and distinct sounds into words, Pronunciation - properly saying the sounds of a word while stressing the correct syllable(s), Rate of speech - The speed people speak at, determined in words spoken per minute, Message length - The amount of time it takes to communicate a message over the radio., Phonetic Alphabet - Used to clarify what letter is meant to be conveyed, 10-codes - A set of number codes used for radio communications to convey common police messages , Plain English - The use of simple English instead of police 10-codes, Communication - the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information, Hand Held Radio - A handheld radio transmitter/receiver device used for two-way communication based on shortwave radio technology, Mobile Radio - two-way radio equipment installed in a vehicle to provide communications for the vehicle operator, MDT - Mobile Data Transmission. Computer inside a poice vehicle that allows for the sending and receiving of information. , Air time - The amount of time a message occupies the radio frequency. ,
Radio Communications Vocab
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